UK Or just another country Another council tenancy And I wanna be anarchy And I wanna be anarchy And I wanna be anarchy And I wanna be anarchy And I wanna be anarchy
this the I.R.A I thought it was the UK Or just another country Another council tenancy I Wanna be Anarchy I Wanna be Anarchy Oh what a name I wanna be Anarchy
an anarchist Don't know what I want But I know how to get it I wanna destroy the passerby 'Cause I wanna be Anarchy Now don't worry Anarchy for the UK
wanna be anarchy in the city how many ways to get what you want i use the best i use the rest i use the enemy i use anarchy cause i wanna be anarchy
dans la rue Car moi, je veux l'anarchie Anarchie pour uk ça y est presque deja Je desunis royaume-uni Avec ces reves de prisunic ! Oui, moi, je veux l'anarchie
am an anarchist, don't know what I want but I know how to get it. I wanna destroy the passer by 'cos I wanna be anarchy, Ho dogs body Anarchy for the UK
Bản dịch: Sex Pistols. Anarchy In The U.k..
Bản dịch: Sex Pistols. L'anarchie Pour L'uk.
Bản dịch: Wrestling. Sex Pistols- "anarchy In The U.k.".
the I.R.A I thought it was the UK Or just another country Another council tenancy I Wanna be Anarchy I Wanna be Anarchy Oh what a name I wanna be Anarchy
rue Car moi, je veux l'anarchie Anarchie pour UK Ca y est presque d©j Je d©sunis Royaume-Uni Avec ces r?ves de prisunic ! Oui, moi, je veux l'anarchie