't get enough Oh girls, girls They are impossible Girls, girls, girls, girls, girls Do I have girls? Let me tell you about some girls I have three girls
There is a place we'll go Where there is mostly quiet Flowers and butterflies A rainbow lives beside it And from a velvet sky A summer storm You can
in love through the camera's eye Girls show the world that you believe Girls show the world you really care Girls show the world that you belong Girls
Bản dịch: Ross, Diana. Girls.
Bản dịch: Ross, Diana. Girls (In Ross 1983).
Bản dịch: Ross, Diana. Poppy Girls.
little girl blue No use, oh girl You may as well surrender Your hope is getting slender Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy To cheer little girl
on little girl blue No use oh girl You may as well surrender Your hope is getting slender Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy To cheer little girl
Bản dịch: Ross, Diana. Little Girl Blue.
and gold Sit there and count your fingers What can you do? Oh girl you're through All you can count on are your fingers Unlucky little girl blue Sit
gold Sit there and count your fingers What can you do? Oh girl you're through All you can count on are your fingers Unlucky little girl blue Sit there