голову, приезжаю где-то к утру.. Где бы не был я, Куда бы ноги не вели, Моя мечта Со мной продолжает идти. Говорю спасибо небесам, Что я дышу и следую своим мечтам
If this is where I'll hide It was built deep inside Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard But at least I'm not alone My intentions never change What I want just
Mit 17 hat man noch TräumeDa wachsen noch alle BäumeIn den Himmel der Liebe Mit 17 kann man noch hoffenDa sind die Wege noch offenIn den Himmel
The devils in the daughters room There will be no second knife She reached for a dream And he smiled as he watched her. She was ever so beautiful in
(she cried when she found it...its feathers were matted and pressed to its side, its wings were no longer able...still she begged it to fly. its body
And now that the cold has returned Where is my window From which I used to dominate The world My gray, black, azure world A world without no wars A world
I have dreamed that many men Have marched across this field I have wished that I could take each man And hold him against the flame in my heart I had
Well our dogs get along, but have you noticed how easy evil dialogues of ours come out of wanting, for so long, an easy laughter, to feel guilty for
Your defenses were on high Your walls built deep inside Yeah I'm a selfish bastard But at least I'm not alone My intentions never change What I wanted
Bản dịch: Little Peggy March. Mit 17 Hat Man Noch Träume.
Bản dịch: Peggy March. Mit 17 Hat Man Noch Träume.
Bản dịch: Vega, Suzanne. The Marching Dream.
Bản dịch: 30 Seconds To Mars. Was It A Dream?.
: Your defenses were on high Your walls built deep inside Yeah I'm a selfish bastard But at least I'm not alone My intentions never change What I wanted
: Burning axes growing out from their hands Modern warriors in the ancient mission Destroy the enemies' world In the name of the glorious undone Marching