es de pegatina. Las aceras son de barro y cuando me llueve en marzo se me quedan pegaos los zapatos y llego yo a mi casa descalzo. Nube de pegatina
Bản dịch: Los Delincuentes. Nube De Pegatina.
que es de pegatina. Las aceras son de barro y cuando me llueve en marzo se me quedan pegaos los zapatos y llego yo a mi casa descalzo. Nube de pegatina
Por si acaso el fracaso no nos deja volver no olvidemos la aventura del ayer. Malviviendo del cuento, dejando de sentir aquello por lo que estamos
Mari Carmen, Mari Carmen, tu hijo esta en el afterhour Mari Carmen, Mari Carmen, tu hijo esta en el afterhour Tu no lo sabes, tu no lo sabes Tu hijo
Si de nit tu no em veus si et fa por la foscor i em trobes al teu costat Si de nit, sempre hi sere Si de nit, al teu costat i vull que no s'apagui mai
decia mi madre bailando todo se arregla. (Venga) CORO Pegate un poco mas Te llaman los tambores Olvida los temores que el tiempo se nos va (mujer) Pegate
Kermit (talking to off-stage person): That's the sound of the letter P. See the sign right there? See those big P's there. Piper's Pickled Peppers. No
Use the eyes of the owl (There's a foul batch) The sour patch kids got me out of wack And out of gas, the hour glass spills As I'm left on the Vasey without
A wont a you a dance wit me at the annual all star a banquet A will a feel so fancy free at the annual all star a banquet Everyone in town will be lookin
I've been doing this for too long to keep Singing the same song This is another one of those happy moments not made for anyone I don't rap in bumper stickers
Me and my mate we think you're great Some we like and some we hate I know him I've seen him on the adverts Got any badges posters stickers or t-shirts
When we were so young and full of life The years have all but disapeared but maybe we'll come back to everything we loved Our hearts remained untouched
Hey yo Blaze... Hey, check this shit out man... Swivel gave me this beat... It's some old school shit man... I'm thinkin... I'm thinkin we need to ride
Thank you, and for my latest basket of cherries Here it goes, baby Mess up my mind, mess up my mind Mess up my mind wit the eye patch Mess up my mind
das cuenta que tu eres Todo lo que tengo. Besame, como la primera vez, Quiero sentir el vertigo, Que hace latir nuestros corazones De deseo. Ven y pegate
Got six bucks that's enough for a beer run Now all we need is someone to do the buying My buddy Lendell, he ain't never got no money But he drinks up