Мне трудно представлять, что он ласкает тебя Мне трудно представлять, что он целует тебя Мне трудно представлять, что не со мною, а с ним Ведь я тебя
Freak out, don't you take the cop out Chain reactor touch down Take a drum and tie it down Grinder, pour it in and grind in Put it through the grater
work expectations bind the holy to the wrong reflecting what they'll never be sing out, pay out another day has come and gone get used to the feeling
I'm a goat and for those of y'all who don't know what a goat is it means the greatest of all time and I consider myself one of those so thank you very
A drunk, and hungry bear losing his hair, living on a boat right off the coast he said, "Ain't you got nothing else to do? Just look at my head son.
Freak out Don't you take the cop out Chain reactor touch down Take a drum and tie it down Grinder Pour it in and grind it Put it through the grater Use
This room revolves at 33 RPMs And this broken record is all I?ve got These crooked walls are all I have left to protect me From the pain that waits outside
Bản dịch: Annuals. The Bull, And The Goat.
Bản dịch: Attwenger. Ged.
Bản dịch: Townsend, Devin. Goat.
Bản dịch: Raimundos. Cabeça De Bode.
Bản dịch: Static-x. Goat.
Bản dịch: Strapping Young Lad. Goat.
Bản dịch: Unknown. Peeler And The Goat.