Bản dịch: Nathan, Isaac. The Aboriginal Father. voice and piano. Romantic.
Bản dịch: Harris, Charles Kassell. After the Ball. piano and voice. Romantic.
Bản dịch: Yradier, Sebastián. El arreglito. Piano. voice. Romantic.
Bản dịch: Ferreri, Ernesto. Blake Songs. Voice. Orchestra (2 flutes (fl.2 doubles piccolo). 2 oboes (ob.2 doubles english horn). 2 clarinets ...
Bản dịch: Dyson, Peter. Carol - Hodie Christus natus est. Solo voice. solo trumpet. mixed chorus (SATB). Modern.
Bản dịch: Debussy, Claude. 3 Chansons de Bilitis. Voice and Piano. Early 20th century.
Bản dịch: Matos Rodríguez, Gerardo Hernán. La Cumparsita. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Voice. Piano. Early 20th century.
Bản dịch: Dyson, Peter. Infant Joy. Voice and Piano. Modern.
Bản dịch: Dyson, Peter. Song for a Sleepy Child. Solo voice plus optional chor. Modern.
Bản dịch: Bach, Johann Sebastian. Songs and Arias, BWV 439-518. Voice. continuo. Baroque.
Bản dịch: Greaves, Thomas. Songs of Sadness. soprano voice and 4 viols. Renaissance.
Bản dịch: Costa, Fabio. 3 Late-Romantic Lieder. Voice and Orchestra. Early 20th century.
Bản dịch: Beischer-Matyó, Tamás. Ómagyar Mária-siralom. 1 voice (contralto on the recording). Modern.
Bản dịch: Vaughan Williams, Ralph. Songs of Travel. Voice and Piano. Early 20th century.
Bản dịch: Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon. Vocalises. Synth Sample. Voice (or Instrument). Piano. Modern.
Bản dịch: Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon. Vocalises. Clarinet and piano. Voice (or Instrument). Piano. Modern.
Bản dịch: Byrd, William. Mass for Four Voices. SATB chorus. Renaissance. Masses. Religious works. For mixed chorus. Scores featuring mixed c ...
Bản dịch: Hoffmann, Norbert Rudolf. NoName. electronic (MAX/MSP. voice of composer). Modern.