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Lời bài hát: Papoose. Alphabetical Slaughter.

(A) Alert assassins at large allegedly automatic artillery angrily aimed
and aggressively
Accurate AK's able doorways adversary afraid as active ammunition
And accumulated an alias after arrested
And accompanied armed accessories as an adolescent

(B) Bridge Benz brolic burners bringin' brothers betrayer's bodies
briefly be body banged bleedin' brothers
Blaze bats in brave bashin' BROOKLYN bullets busters big biscuits
barrels blazin' beheading bitch boasts and bluffers
Borough barricaders beat bringers brutally blast bringin' blood baths...

(C) Cover cowards corners collectin' cash
Confirmed convicts commitin' crimes clappin' cats
Creepin' cashiers causin' characters comas cappin' crabs
Chaos causin'
Clearly commiting CILO cocaine capsule caps colored capturing customer's
Confiscatin' combinatin' kids are countin' cream calculatin'
Cockin' calibur chromes creatin' casualties conversatin'

(D) Dominatin' devoted dealer devastatin' determination demonstratin'
devine dedication
Debatin' drug deals demandin' dough distributed
Definitely dividing double digit dollar dividends
Drama declarin' demolishin' domain dozer
Directing dumb-dumbs doin' dummies dirty disarmin' Dojos

(E) Estimatin' onions enlarged and economically
Equally educatin' each exercise in equality
Eliminatin' expirin' enemies eradicatin'
Erasin' evidence every element evacuatin'

(F) For four faggots frontin' for fame fleein' from flames
Firin' full-fledged four-fours forcin' flesh from frames
Fortune fanatic, follow formats for funds faithfully
Felonies, furiously fighting for freedom fatally
Frigidally, frantic fightin' FEDS feelin' fearful finacially fortunate,
flippin' figures for fifty-fifty...

(G) Gatherin' grants grabbin' gauges gangsta ganks g's gettin green
Guess garments gleamin'
Greatly gainin' g's
Ghetto genius
Genuine gestures gracefully guide
Government Generals gradually generate genocide

(H) Head hoodlum hittin' heads heavenly hypnotizin'
Hire hitmen harness be holdin' heaters hospitalizin'
High holdin' hammers hectically hittin' herbs homicidin'
Helicopter hijackin' holdin' hostages horrifyin'

(I) Intellectually infinite imperial idol infamous
Inhale the Izm injecting intelligence in ignorance

(J) Jumble jum juggler jaw jabbin' jeopardizin'
Jackin' jewelry jinglin' jackknife jiggin' jittery jivers

(K) Knievers, knowledge key, keep a king, keep a kingdom
K-K-K killin' keenly keepin' kosher livin'

(L) Legitimate legal license LEX lastin' longevity
Luxury life, language lacin' lyrical legacy
Lightin' L's loudly loungin' livin' large like Luthor
Loadin' long Lugers lethally lullabying losers

(M) Maneuvers made miraculously, microphone majesty
Music messiah mastered money makin' mathematically

(N) Naturally naked and notorious, naughty nature
Nasty New York nigga narcotic negotiator

(O) Observator, oppression obstructin' originator
Organized official officer oxen operator

(P) Plot participator
Plan powder pushin' premeditated
Po-Po partners patrolin' preventin' payment
Prosecutin' penny pinchers
Prison penalty permanent placement
Packin' powerful pistols punk plea and player's playin pavement

(Q) Queen's qualifyed quantity/quality

(R) Rulers rule righteously rightfully royal rapology
Real revolutionaries rather regulate rivalry
Rampantly raisin' raiders rampagin' relentless rivalry

(S) Sense up snub slugs snipin' sharp shooter
Smackin' soldiers silly severely shankin' stupid troopers

(T) Terrorizin' terrible thorough thug terrifyin' totin' two tecs takin'
territories thoroughly thrivin'

(U) Unifyin' ultimately upliftin' uncivilized
Unique understandin' universally utilized

(V) Visualize vocab victoriously vocalized
Versatile Vice-Versa verbals viciously victimize

(W) Why witty wisdom wage your wars wisely

(X) X-Con

(Y) Yappin' ya'll yearnin'

(Z) Zig Zag Z...